Explore coverage of The Step Hood Project by the world's leading publications
Published: January 3rd, 2024
Children raised by narcissistic parents tend to have low self-esteem, over-achieving tendencies, and/or self-sabotaging behaviors as adults due to the possessive, critical, and controlling nature of their parents….
Parenting Pointers - Emotional Maturity and Childhood Trauma
Published: November 29, 2023
Childhood trauma has long lasting detrimental effects to a person’s life. These experiences often lead to difficulties in forming healthy relationships, managing emotions, and coping with stress. Recognizing if you've experienced childhood trauma is crucial for healing and personal growth.
Lisa Goodpaster is…
Parental Alienation Syndrome: What signs to look for
Published: April 15, 2023
“I didn’t know that I needed my parents to nurture me and to make me feel safe.”
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KMVT/KSVT) — Idaho has the 7th highest divorce rate in the country and one unfortunate side effect of divorce can be parental alienation syndrome (PAS)….
Setting family resolutions for everyone's well-being
Published: January 3, 2024
“Building healthy strong relationship kids. Because right now a lot of parents are struggling to parent. Because we are living on some chaotic and interesting times. More than ever….
Building strong bonds between stepparents and children
Published: November 28, 2023
CLEVELAND — According to the Pew Research Center, one in four people have a step-relationship in their lives. Author and founder of "The Stephood Project," Lisa Goodpaster shares the importance of building strong relationships between stepparent and child. And, also, some missteps to …
Family Matters: Step-parenting
Published: December 5, 2023
Founder of The Stephood Project which is a social awareness campaign focusing on building strong relationships between stepparents and children, with the key aim of avoiding situations of parental alienation….
Alienation and Lingering Effects and Trauma
Published: November 21, 2023
In this episode, I have the great pleasure of speaking with Childhood Trauma Educator and Founder of the Stephood Project Lisa Goodpaster who is the author of “Alienated: When Parents Won’t Parent”. We talk about her personal experiences as a stepdaughter of being …